Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stand your ground

After blogging last night a great dinner awaited me. A dutch guy and Attila the Hun (I kid you not, his name is Attila and he's from Hungary) had made a big enough meal for about 15 pilgrims (or about 20 people having a normal day) and we all had a great dinner together! There was an amazing salad that was composed of just onions and oranges (maybe some spices); I couldn't believe how good it tasted cause I was sure it wouldn't mix well together. Guess I'm finding out more and more about myself and life on this trip! ;)

After dinner and cleaning up after dinner that is, I was going to do yoga but ended up massaging 4 people. Like I told you before, it seems as if I've become known as someone who fixes people. I did my best to help the four of them and I think I even worked a miracle for Attila the Hun. When I was going to grab a few minutes before bed to do some yoga Molly grabbed me instead and said that it was my turn to get a massage. She earned the nickname Molly Magic and going to bed after that was just wonderful.

I was awoken by a guy who trains Mixed Martial Arts fighters by sparring with them. He said he was going to wake me up with a knee to the ribs, a good kick in the liver. I'm really glad he made good on his promise to wake me up and lied about how he was going to do it! ;) When Sascia arrived we went to Antonello's room and awoke him by singing "Happy birthday to you!" He wasn't quite awake after that so I also sang for him in Icelandic "Hann á afmaeli í dag! (Happy birhtday to you!)". My Italian hermano is 24 today, Happy birthday maestro!!!!

We had a long stretch to walk in the sweltering sun today, 17 km's without a town or fountain. We all walked together today, stopped together...stayed together! It's also Hyodo's birthday today and because this wonderful Japanese man only wanted to walk the 26,5 km's to Terradillos de Los Templarios we decided to let that be our resting point for the day. And then tonight there's going to be a huge birthday party! :D

We walked rather slowly and really enjoyed each other's company. I had a great talk with Tomasz, a real adventurer from Poland. Katrin and Jiney were bit pretty bad by bedbugs and couldn't wait to get some cream on that after our journey. Antonello had a bottle of wine while we were walking only to find out that wine in this much heat isn't really good for you when you're walking 26,5 km's for the day. When we were leaving Carrion, Antonello did his best to teach me some Spanish...we'll see how well he/I did in the refresher course in the morning. We sang songs, everything from "Good morning, good morning" to "Welcome to the Jungle". We talked about the state of affairs for the west vs. the 3rd world. We laughed. We joked. We had a great day together!

I listened to music and walked "alone" for almost 3 km's, the last part of our journey. I got to thinking about the importance of Standing your ground! Yesterday and today there were moments on the journey when I was like: "Ok, I've had enough. I'm ready to go home!" It was only a moment but still it entered my mind. Even though this trip is loads of fun and a real adventure, it's difficult to say the least. We are all standing our ground against that part of us that wants to give up, the part of us that has had enough! The thought didn't end there but it went on to include standing your ground against others. The importance of standing your ground when you've decided something for yourself, like the fact that I don't drink anymore. So many times in my life I've decided something like that or usually something that affects my life in a smaller way, like going to the gym regularly or eating healthy, and then when someone offers me something great to eat or offers something to do that's more fun than going to the gym => then I've done that, instead of Standing my ground! There are so many things in life that I want to do or already do, that others will tempt me to give up. It is at those moments that I must Stand my ground!!! Anything that I decide to do that takes time, dedication or persistance will require me to Stand my ground when other things or people tempt me away from what I have decided. This trip is an excellent training device for exactly this skill in so many ways that it's scary! :) It presses so many buttons for so many things that I've decided to do with my life. My answer is: I'M Standing my GROUND!

We're at a wonderful Albergue here in Terradillos de la Cueza after a nice 26,5 km walk. After the shower I sort of realized that I haven't told you guys and gals that I have eczema all over the top of my left foot (and a little on my right), a couple of bug bites, a couple of small cuts (thank you so much my wonderful mother for the antibiotic cream!!! :*) and a few other ailments. It's interesting how all that fades to the background when you have soar shoulders, an ankle that's killing you or tendonitis of the shin! ;)

Going to go find Antonello now beautiful people. If you have birthday wishes for this wonderful man just write them here and I'll make sure he get's your wishes!

I hope that you Stand your ground when life offers you temptations that stray you from the path you have already chosen!!!


  1. Please say Happy Birthday to Antonello from me! After all he is now your brother so he must be my son :) Wonderful how the Higher Power speaks to you and how you listen and share. Keep Standing your Ground - in every way in life. Love and Light and healing prayers for your ailments :)

  2. that's so wonderful ! I sometimes wish there where shops with it : hmmmm Hello, I'd like a big amount of Stand your ground today please !
    Life is not always easy and it's very good that you get this energy for when it's harder to stand your ground !
    oh and got 4 minutes left before midnight so happy birthday Antonello !!!! :)

  3. Always good to read your post. Tell Antonello happy birthday from me; a bit late, but then most of my birthday greetings are like that as you know ;).
