Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The beginning...

The beginning usually starts with the end of something else. I'm hoping that this is the end of the current me and what follows will define who I will become. I'm ready; ready for whatever awaits me whether I can handle it immediately or not. I'm ready!

I just arrived in Saint-Jean-Pied-De-Port, got my pilgrim passport (got a stamp from here and I'll get a stamp from each town until I reach Santiago de Compostela) and a shell to put on my backpack to represent that I'm walking Santiago's Camino (Camino = road). Gonna buy some food, fill my camel bag with water and head off for the 27,5 km walk to Roncesvalles. That's day one for ya.

Whenever something new starts in my life I like to savor it, it makes what's coming have more meaning; makes it grander somehow. I hope you savor "the new" in your life, cause it's only new once! Give it all you've got! I mean after all, it's the beginning...


  1. Til hamingju með byrjunina og gangi þér vel :)

  2. Every step is a new beginning my brother. Safe travels.

  3. Safe journey - blessings for every step of the way :)
