Saturday, August 27, 2011

The pains of yesteryears

In 2004 I twisted my ankle pretty bad. This morning when I woke up my ankle decided it was still 2004 or at least that revisiting those pains would be a good idea! So I had to walk slow today but I still walked the 25 km to Estella. I walked with Alexander and we discussed everything from relationships to politics and ranged from dirty jokes to faith. It was a great walk even though it was rather slow and painful.

When I got to Estelle my super luck kicked in and I sat down next to a physiotherapist without knowing it who actually taped my foot and told me what would be the best remidy; rest! So from 17:00 to 20:00 I layed in bed, dropping in and out of sleep.

I was awaken by the french guys and they had cooked and bought 7 bottles of wine for the 8 of us that were eating. Since I don't drink anymore they had a bottle of wine per person. It was a great meal! :)

I have to stop now since the energy for the computer turns off at 22:00. I hope you're having a great day, with great people and that despite difficult situations; that luck is following you around! ;)


  1. Duglegur að ganga þrátt fyrir sársauka - flott að þú fékkst hjálpa við að binda fótinn - snilld að þeir frönsku skuli alltaf sjá um að elda :) - og alger toppur að þú skulir hafa HVÍLT þig.
    Þorbjörg Karls - Tobba frænka - biður voða vel að heilsa þér og er svo stolt af því sem þú ert að gera. Hitti hana í morgun :) - Knús og kossar - MOM

  2. Ekki gott að heyra með ökklann. Vonandi virkar hvíldin vel á þig, og gott að heyra að þú færð nóg að borða og drekka :D

  3. Takk mamma, alltaf gott a finna fyrir studningnum fra ther! Eitt sem eg get alltaf stolad a og thad er ad fa adstod vid ad gera alla mina drauma ad raunveruleika og studning med hvad sem eg tek mer fyrir hendur. Thad eru nu heldur betur ekki allir svo heppnir! :*

    Takk meistari Sigvaldi! :)
